Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Prevention of HIV

The World Health Organization publishes a set of comprehensive guidelines to the prevention of HIV and AIDS; the most recent version was published in 2010. I’ve tried to distill down the 174-page document here. It’s especially interesting to see how treatment and prevention come together as research has demonstrated that ARV treatment reduces the risk of transmission.

Know your HIV status
·       Client-initiated HIV testing and counseling
·       Provider-initiated HIV testing and counseling
·       Blood donor HIV testing and counseling
·       Laboratory support

Prevent sexual transmission of HIV
·       Promote condom use
·       Detect and manage STIs
·       Risk reduction counseling
·       Male circumcision
·       Prevention among those living with HIV: ARV treatment
·       At-risk populations: interventions targeting sex workers, MSM & transgendered, adolescents
·       Vulnerable populations: interventions targeting displaced, mobile, and migrant populations; prisoners
·       Post-exposure prophylaxis

Prevention in intravenous drug users (IDUs)
·       Needle exchange programs
·       Drug treatment
·       Information, education, and communication

Prevention in childbearing women, infants, children
·       Family planning, counseling, contraception
·       ARV treatment in pregnancy to prevent infection in infants
·       Education and support for women living with HIV and their children and families

Treatment scale-up
·       Intervene to prevent illness
o   Cotrimoxazole prophylaxis (vs. PCP and toxoplasmosis)
o   Prevent fungal infections
o   Vaccinations
o   Nutritional care and support
o   Safe water, sanitation, and hygiene
o   Prevent malaria

Treatment proper
·       ARV for adults, adolescents, and children; support monitoring and adherence
·       Manage opportunistic infections and conditions
·       Palliative care
·       TB prevention, diagnosis, and treatment

Strengthen health systems to optimize priority interventions
·       Increase service delivery
·       Strengthen health workforce
·       Support development and dissemination of medical products and technologies
·       Improve financing, leadership, and governance

Invest in strategic information
·       Strengthen health informatics
·       Improve surveillance of HIV and STIs
·       Monitor and evaluate the health sector response
·       Research
·       Analyze and implement evidence-based improvements

World Health Organization (2010). Priority interventions: HIV/AIDS prevention, treatment, and care in the health sector. Retrieved November 2011 from: http://www.who.int/hiv/pub/guidelines/9789241500234/en/index.html

1 comment:

  1. I really appreciate Dr. AKHIGBE, my name is LAURIE HUGHES. Dr. AKHIGBE, happiness is all over, I never think I would be cured of the HIV virus again. Dr. AKHIGBE did it for me. HIV-under-under-death-HIV-HIV-HIV-Is (HIV) from 2 years ago, I had spent a lot of money going to church every day. residence. The constant checks have been my hobby until date faithful, I saw a testimonial on how DR AKHIGBE was diagnosed by his illness by HIV on the Internet quickly I copied his email which is drrealakhigbe @ gmail.com just to give him a test that I talked to him, he asked me to do some things that I did, he told me he was going to treat me a medical doctor , I was released from the deadly disease, so far no HIV in me, it is simply asked to post the testimony of the world, I do not know what to say, all the testimony of DR AKHIGBE father is great, I owe him in return. If you encounter a similar problem, just send him an email at drrealakhigbe@gmail.com or his mobile phone number at +2348142454860. It can also cure these diseases as HIV and AIDS. drrealakhigbe@gmail.com ... or what APP .. + 2348142454860 he is a really good and honest man.
